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Jet Plasma Facial
Inquire With Natalia



Oxy Geneo Facial 3 in 1 Geneo 

Mild to moderate skin laxity

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The only facial technology that triggers a natural oxygenation process within the skin — creating the ideal conditions to nourish and transform skin from the inside out. The Geneo difference. Our patented 3-in-1 technology delivers immediate benefits:

1. OXYGENATION: Geneo’s innovative process triggers the release of oxygen from within to prep the skin to absorb nutrients throughout the rest of the facial treatment.

2. NOURISHMENT: A blend of active ingredients is infused into your newly oxygenated and exfoliated skin during our ultrasound process, allowing for maximum absorption. 

3. SCULPTING: A gentle massage during the last step promotes lymphatic drainage to reduce redness and puffiness.

$199 up to 60min 


Mild to moderate skin laxity

Consent Form

A HIFU facial uses ultrasound to create heat at a deep level in the skin. This heat damages targeted skin cells, causing the body to try to repair them. To do this, the body produces collagen to aid in cell regrowth. Collagen is a substance in the skin that gives it structure and elasticity.

HIFU can:
  • tighten the skin on the neck
  • reduce the appearance of jowls 
  • lift drooping eyelids or eyebrows
  • smooth wrinkles on the face
  • smooth and tighten chest skin

The type of ultrasound that this procedure uses is different than the ultrasound that doctors use for medical imaging. HIFU uses high energy waves to target specific areas of the body.

Recommended 1-2 years

Area treatment prices vary
Consultation required


HIFU – continued.


Esthetician usually begins HIFU facial rejuvenation by cleaning the chosen area of the face and applying a ultrasound gel. Then, they use a handheld device that emits the ultrasound waves in short bursts. Each session typically lasts 30–90 minutes.

Some people report mild discomfort during the treatment, and some have pain afterward. Esthetician may apply a local anesthetic before the procedure to help prevent this pain. Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil), may also help.

Unlike other cosmetic procedures, including laser hair removal, HIFU facials do not require any preparation. When a session is over, there is also no recovery time, which means that people can get on with their daily activities after receiving HIFU treatment.

People may require between one and six sessions every 4 weeks depending on the results they want to achieve.

Chemical Peel

Dull, Aging, Acne Prone skin
Chemical peels can improve the skin‘s appearance. In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, which makes it “blister” and eventually peel off. New skin is  smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. Each peel is customized to clients’ skin care needs. But I offer Lactic, Salicylic, Glycolic, TCA, Jessner, Vitamin A, 5 Berry, Peptide perfection peel. 

$100 up to $190 – 60min +
Available of 3 Packages

Cinderella Facial

All skin types
New beauty treatment from Italy! Penetrates the skins dermal layer and stimulates regeneration to reveal tight, plump, and radiant skin.  Great before any event provides instant results, smoother, brighter, and tighter skin. Painless, no needles, no downtime, no peeling only light flaking, can be performed year long, summers too. Incorporate Perfectio X Laser treatment for skin tightening and collagen stimulation.

$150 – 60min

Dermaplaning Facial 

Most skin types

A procedure that exfoliates your skin and gets rid of dirt and vellus hair, better known as “peach fuzz.” It’s a safe procedure for removing dead skin cells. Eliminates soft facial hair that traps dirt and oils. Promotes smoother skin. Reduces the appearance of acne scars. Diminishes the look of fine lines. Works on most skin types besides those with cystic acne 


Diamond Dermabrasion

All Skin Types

The fastest way to get a healthy, youthful glow is to buff away the layers of dead skin that have accumulated from age and sun exposure. In microdermabrasion, a pressurized jet scours the skin with micronized crystals (usually aluminum oxide) and then vacuums the dead cells away. *Don’t book this service the day of an event, since your cheeks may be a little rosy immediately afterward.

$100 – 60min

 Acne / LED Facial

Oily, Dry, or Combination Skin
Blocked Pores & Acne Prone

 LED light therapy uses the principle of light irradiation, making it safe and simple to use, and can be reused many times for the purpose of facial skin care. It is a fundamental solution to whitening, and skin aging problems, namely to promote cell metabolism, skin collagen secretion, accelerate blood reflux, improve skin complexion, treat wrinkles, blemishes. 

$75 – 60min

ProCell Microchanneling 

All skin types

Consent Form

Microneedling is used to treat and improve conditions like acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, loose skin, skin texture, pore size, brown spots, stretch marks, and pigment issues. The addition of stem cells with the procedure, carry robust growth factors which are highly stimulating to the regeneration and healing of the skin. 

Add on – Stem Cells –  $50



Available of 3 Packages or more

Mens Facial

All skin types

Our Gentleman’s Facial provides a customized treatment that includes deep pore cleansing, exfoliation, extraction, and a soothing masque. … This facial helps repair the damage caused by daily shaving, skin sensitivity, dullness, aging and the environmental impact of both city and outdoor living.

$75 – 60min

Specials & Bundles

Facial Packages

Inquire here with our specialist for a bundle designed to fit your needs.




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